Angle brackets track
Angle brackets track is an extremely handy product to use in clean edge wall upholstery. Let say that you have a wall with an open edge. There is no molding or framing. How do you stop the fabric or attached it along that edge? Here is a simple solution providing that you are installing a clean edge wall upholstery.
How to use a bracket track?
Before you install a CES or Clean Edge System track on the wall, get an angle bracket. You need to place the bracket behind the CES track, then staple them together. Actually, we use a brad nailer. There is a simple reason for that. Because, there is a good chance to find metal strips underneath the plaster. Nails work better on those strips. So, staples will come out or not going in properly.
After installing both tracks, take a metal spatula to insert the fabric between CES and the Angle bracket. Proceed the same way as if you had a frame.
In conclusion, it a safer to have a few lengths of bracket with you on a job. As you can see this product create a frame that you do not have originally.
Remember to keep a little stock in your van or with your other tracks. You never know, it’s better to be prepared than going back to the workshop!

Angle bracket
Each box has 13 lengths of 94″ equal 101 feet.
Angle bracket optional track
An L shaped angle bracket is needed in rare cases. For example, It corrects a lack of molding and narrow framing too. It is a convenient product to have in stock. An angle bracket is placed before the clean edge system. Use it also by the ceiling if no crown molding or bad ceiling line.
Why do I need this angle bracket for wall upholstery?
The answer to this question is found in the description below.
We have changed the length of each track from 98″ to 94″. Just a few inches shorter than before, but the quantity is still 13 pieces.
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